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uk     Beef Improvement Group Conference - Stabiliser
Stabiliser Cattle Company
  Stabiliser is a four-breed composite made up of half British breeds and half Continental breeds. SCC was formed in 1996 by five significant beef producers based in East Yorkshire. The company is a UK leader in beef genetics producing Stabiliser™ dam line breeding stock.

Stabiliser Open Day to Focus on Pasture to Plate Benefits 2018-May-16
From pasture to plate, genetic improvements led by Stabiliser Cattle Company have the ability to profit every player in the beef production chain.

UK Stabiliser Cattle Officially Cross French Borders 2018-Jan-08
The first live exports of UK Stabiliser cattle to France have been delivered in part of a five-year contract between Stabiliser Cattle Company and Bovinext to fulfil French demand for British beef genetics.

Stabilisers to Fulfil French Demand for UK Beef Genetics 2017-Aug-21
As Stabilisers continue to be the fastest growing breed of cattle in the UK, their moderate, easy calving frame with high fertility and efficient feed conversion traits have opened the gates to international export markets.

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